Active Lions


Now i know lions are generally a "sloth like" fish and dont move much but if you were to pick one that you would say was the most active which would you picK? Ive read russels volitans and raditas are considered more active, is it true?


Active Member
My volitan is very active throughout the day, and some parts of the night (when the moon lights are a little more bright). Radiatas and Antenata are also pretty active. I am not exactly sure about the Russels though, I don't have enough experience with them.


Russels are more of a swimming lion if thats wat u r saying. They like to move out in the open and show off their pretty little fins. If you look on -- and look for mdandaneau, look at his gallery and he has pics. Infact, ask him questions, he is an expert on the whole lionfish family. but he has had a lot of experience with russels.