Add my first lot of live stock.


hey guys, well my cycle has finally finish after about 6 weeks, well has been for a week now.
my LFS got the latest shipment in tonite so i will go down early tomorrow moring and pick up some live stock(being one fish and clean up crew), and can devote my whole day to making sure things go to plan with acclimating and then when they are introduced.
I planning on having a community tank with some low light coral, shrooms and zoos, in a 75 gallon tank with a large skimmer rated at 250 gallons, a wet/ dry filter, two power heads and 86 pounds of LR.
1. so my first question is, is this a good fish list, they are all moderate fish to care for but will they be agressive towards each other or do i have to many for my tank, if not how many more could i add (although i dont think this will be the case.)
x1 Yellow Watchman Goby
x2 Purple Firefish
x1 Flasher Wrasse - maybe filament or another small wrasse, ie six line.
x1 Regal Blue Tang, or Scopas Tang
x1 some sort of dwarf angel ie bi-colour, rusty, coral beauty ect.
2. what is the best order to add these fish, i wont be able to get a watchman goby for some time as they are not common in Australia.
please add anything else u think is important.


well heres how i am gonna add my fish, first i will get 2x purple firefish, then tang, wrasse, watchman goby and lastly the angel.
hope this is a good way to introduce them to the tank.