added first fish to tank


New Member
added a clown and goby today. when i put them in the goby instintly hid
and the clown wont swim around he just stays in one spot. also the tank got very cloudy. any suggestions


Active Member
First off, what size tank/did it cycle/how did you add the fish? Their behavior isn't really a surprise. The goby will eventually come out when it's comfortable, and the clown needs time to get used to its new surroundings as well.


New Member
it is a 29g biocube. yeah i t cycled. i took a water sample to the store and they said it was cool. just didnt know if that behavior was normal


Active Member
Originally Posted by rage83
it is a 29g biocube. yeah i t cycled. i took a water sample to the store and they said it was cool. just didnt know if that behavior was normal
how long has ur tank been setup?

aztec reef

Active Member
yeah it's normal for the first day. they're just need to get used to the new enviroment.(supposing your parameters are good) why did your tank got cloudy? have you checked your parameters?


Active Member
can you check your parameters?
when you say....they said it was cool, what does that mean?
in other words....
you've got ammonia....its cool = not cool.
you've got 0 ammonia and nitrites with a little nitrates....its cool = yup, its cool.
Welcome to the boards.


New Member
thanks the guy told me that everything was where it was supposed to
he did say the solinity was a little bit high but not overly


my damsels were right at home in my new tank, my clarkii clowns took about 2 days to come out of hiding and swim in the open water...and my foxface took a good 2 weeks to become comfortable enough to swim around in open water. Depends on the fish I guess...but they like a little time to get comfy before they come out.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by rage83
thanks the guy told me that everything was where it was supposed to
he did say the solinity was a little bit high but not overly
you might not wanna believe the salinity part. because lfs keep salinity really low..
don't let the powerhead disturbed the sandbed...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rage83
i feel like the pump is pushing the water out hard which is stirring the sand
You never answered the part about how you added the fish. The reason I asked is because I wanted to know if you just dumped the bags from the LFS into the tank, which may be what caused the cloudiness.