added fish too early



im told i've screwed up. i dunno anyone with set in tank. theres not a fish store close. i bought fish online here!
tank ran for 9 weeks before fish.i added 5 firefish gobies and a small emporer angel.
what signs am i looking for? can i add anything,do anything?


Active Member
yep 15 gallons, and i agree, with a tank that size, you very well may not have a prob(if you have completely cycled), adding those fish at one time, especially if you got a dsb and lr, these will help to maintin stability, through te fact that they have alot of bacteria on them already, i would not make a habit of adding more tahn 1 or 2 ata time, but you should be ok, just do the water changes,a nd monitor your fishes behavior AND your ammonia(note: i did not say or, but AND) level closely, in any case, i would wait a good month, now, before adding anymore fish
do you have any lr(how much), a deep sand bed and what filtration are you using


sand is 2.5inchs that gradually goes to 2 inchs over the 6 foot legnth of tank i have one piece of lr but thats all i want .its branchy n cool only reason i have it.
i have a sealife systems bio filter with a protein skimmmer
yes i'm defineetly gonna wait a month before anymore fishh


Active Member
are these the first fish you put into the tank? How did it get cycled and di dyou let anything swim around before you added these guys? I'm not sure about the wrasse but the angels are not happy with maringal water quality.


I'm just hoping that is a 150lb rock in there. when i started i was told one gilled specimen at a time and wait a month in between.


these are my first additions these 6 lucky fish get to do the dirty work. plus the 75 hermitcrabs and 20 assorted crabs