The rocks are uncured and I've been curing them for 2 weeks in my garage. Since the sand arrived, I decided to do the rest of the curing process in the tank and stacked them up. So I still have another 2 weeks or so before anything can go in.
Broomer: Thanks for the advice. This is however my second reef tank (currently have a 35g hex in my office) and my 5th saltwater tank that I have set up (not all mine though). Yes, the best advice is to be patient. I know this is going to take awhile for it to be perfect, that's why I went for a tank this size.
As far as what I'm going to stock. I'm going mostly soft corals and polyps and maybe some SPS or LPS corals. I'm going to run 4 160w VHOs first and see how it goes. is only running the VHOs and they have SPS and Xenias growing like crazy in their 180g. So maybe that will work for me. My sailfin tang will be the first fish. Currently my brother is babysitting my sailfin, koran and volitan lion right now until tomorrow. They'll be back in a 54g corner fish only tank that I'll be buying tomorrow. I'll probably later get some perculas, watchman goby, maybe a yellow tang or some dwarf angels (still scared about the angels though) and of cours inverts.
As you can see, I'm pretty excited about this tank, especially coming back from snorkling in Hawaii.