Added New Fish!


Picked up a 6" rabbit fish. Pretty nice looking fish, swims a lot, eats great.
Here's a horrible picture of him.


no one else with rabbit fish? Gos this place has like the largest user base with little or no responses in threads.

Anyways, heres a bump and a picture with actinics.



Originally posted by stcardoza
Is that eye normal, or is it cloudy? I can't tell from your pic. Beautiful fish btw. I love the coloring.

Yep thats his normal eye.:eek:
The fish is cooler then what I thought it was going to be. At the lfs is just sat in the tank, didn't swim to much. Plus his colors were washed out. Now he swims a ton and with my diet he has bulked up and his colors are really intense.
I wish other people would share some experiences and pictures of their rabbits. Maybe it's not a popular fish.:notsure:


Did you pick up that book on surgeon and rabbit fish yet? How is it? I'm thinking of ordering it.



Originally posted by Daniel411
Did you pick up that book on surgeon and rabbit fish yet? How is it? I'm thinking of ordering it.

No, I got the one on Marine Angels. Excellent btw. If you wanna borrow it you're more then welcome.
So this is 2 fish after I said this is my last? Can't remember?:thinking:



Originally posted by Lestregus
that's a beautiful fish...reminds me of the colors in harlequins, is it reef safe??

They say they will pick but I haven't even seen mine near a coral.



Originally posted by Lestregus
thats you happen to know what kind of rabbitfish it is?

Siganus doliatus also known as a doliatus rabbitfish or scribble rabbitfish.



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
No, I got the one on Marine Angels. Excellent btw. If you wanna borrow it you're more then welcome.
So this is 2 fish after I said this is my last? Can't remember?:thinking:

Oops wrong book, oh well. Thanks, I'll definately take you up on borrowing it. I have about sevin books I'm trying to read now though, so it will be a bit.


It's a nice fish, but I'd be nervous around corals. I know you can have one that's good and someone else can have one that's bad. With my luck I'll get the hungry one. Nice pics though. :D


I have a foxface. He's real cool. I gotta say, if they had one like yours, I probably would've grabbed it. I'm very happy with the foxface though. Lot of character. It's really fun to hand feed and pet him on his back!:eek:


I've had a scribbled Rabbit for about 6 months. Real cool fish. It eats like a pig. When I have caulerpa in my tank he sleeps in it and his colors completely change. It seems to be growing real quik. There seems to be just a little agression between The rabbit and my Naso but nothing I'm worried about. I've never seen it go anywhere near my corals.



Originally posted by Lochi
I've had a scribbled Rabbit for about 6 months. Real cool fish. It eats like a pig. When I have caulerpa in my tank he sleeps in it and his colors completely change. It seems to be growing real quik. There seems to be just a little agression between The rabbit and my Naso but nothing I'm worried about. I've never seen it go anywhere near my corals.

Yeah, there's a bit of aggression between him and my yellow tang at times. I thinks it's because he always trys to swim next to the tang and I beleive that rabbits, fox faces and tang are related. I might be wrong though. I'm really surprised how much this fish swims, just didn't look like a swimming fish to me. Mine also eats like a pig, pellets, flake, froozen, anything. Great fish!