Added New rock..everything is dying..quick!!!


Subject says it,
I've got a 75 gallon tank, I had about 30 lbs of rock and now i added about 30 lbs more. It Fills the tank nicely, but i woke up this morning and three of the fish are surface breathing.. even though the air is blowing hard, my lemon peel and spotted damsel died, looks like my saddle back is close to it..
i checked the levels and my nitrITES are high.. the tank has been settled for a while so my question is can adding rock through the levels off that much over night???


Active Member
Yes it can, it can be a big issue. I would get some water changes ready.
I would never suggest adding live rock to an established tank is such quantity unless it came out of someone elses tank or you cured it. Definitely not from an LFS who claims it is cured :(
You may also need to get something from the lfs to "neutralize" this but effectively the tank is recycling - it will be fast probably - but this is a problem with fish.


Salty- no i didnt have a qt tank, i have a small 10 gallon but ive put stuff in it now ..
Ophiura/Zo.. that's new news to me i fgured the more rock the better, It was in someone elses tank. I wonder though, it was really cold moving the rock, i wonder if it could have died off??
sooooo... the levels seem to be leveling off, at least nitrites are turning into nitrates which is good.. BUT
Death toll so far:
Domino damsel,
Molly(jumped out of tank)
Yellow Striped Damsel -
Lemon Peel Angel
the sadest one my SADDLEBACK clown -
WHat's left:
INverts and anemones and fire shrimp seem to be doing that they are still there
BLue damsel
Scooter bleeny
Velvet Damsel/Javenses depending on what you call it
My Marron Clown
THe guy that gave me the rock also had another marroon and a big meaty algae blenny and a yello stripe damsel that he didnt want.. I didnt either but i didnt want to flush him.. so their in there now too
At least it kinda looks pretty from the out side


Active Member
I would start doing some massive water changes. At least 50%, you need to get the nitrites and now probably nitrates down. Also stop adding damsels


and further more, the atinic in the right side of the fixture stopped working.. i changed the bulbs and no dice.. the fixtures messed up?! when it rains it pours


Active Member
the balast may be dead, or the wire to that light is messed up. i'd look for legs for the light fixture if it is sitting directly on your tank. salt creep is a nasty thing for light sets


Active Member
My money is on a big pH drop. It doesn't look like there's a sump and judging from the photo, there's a really lack of surface adjetation over most of the tank. When you added the uncured rock, the pH dropped and the oxygen levels dropped too and the fish suffocated.