Added some snails... Need help.

Hello everyone.
I just purchased some snails online, which I received yesterday. They were delivered in bags, not moist.
Anyhow, I purchased 3 Turbos, 10 Nassarius, and 10 Cerith.
My problem lies with the Cerith snails.
I acclimated all of them in separate containers, slowly adding tank water over the course of an hour.
Then slowly added all the snails to the tank. Specifically, I slowly let the turbos attach themselves to the glass, I put the Nassarius and the Cerith on the sand. Although, the Cerith I put right near the glass.
It is now the next day. The turbo's are fine, the Nassarius are fine, although the Cerith have NOT MOVED, except for 1 who's near the top of the aquarium.
The rest of the Cerith have stayed hiding in their shell exactly where I put them. I can't tell if they're dead or not, since they are in their shells not moving.
Is there something I did wrong? Are they sensitive to warm tanks? My tank was at 84.7 when I added 'em all yesterday, although the rest of the snails are fine.
Another question...
I have a Green Brittle star, and about 15 small blue let hermits in the tank as well. This morning, I found the star wrapping a leg around one of the turbos, specifically between the turbo's foot and shell.. Should I be concerned?
Also, I'm worried about the Cerith as I mentioned above, especially with the hermits that I have (apparently, they love cerith shells)...
I have a 20 sump/fuge. I just put in the caulerpa in it 6 days ago, and the pod population is just starting to grow. Should I put the brittle star and the crabs down in there? Or will they wreak havoc on the pod population?
OR should I just get rid of the brittle star?
What about the hermits? My cleanup crew is now:
~15 blue leg hermits
5 Margarita snails
3 Turbos
10 Nassarius
10 Cerith, of which only 1 is moving
1 Tigertail cuke that I havn't seen in 4 weeks.
What do I do???? :confused: :confused:


Active Member
I just caught my blue leg hermit eating one of my new nassarius snails! Into the 20 gal he went! I am now crabless in the show tank with the exception of "crabby" my scarlet leg hermit.
What about the Ceriths?
Do you all think they're dead?
Also, would it be safe to do a water change today?? I acclimated these guys into the tank lastnight.
I want to adjust the SG from 1.023 to 1.024 with my water change. Is it safe since I just acclimated these snails???


Active Member
Give the ceriths a little more time. They could have been in a cooler tank meaning they required more time to adjust to the high temp in yours or their capture more tramatizing, basicly anything could have caused them to need more time to adjust. Give them another day and if there still motionless pick them up and smell the snails, they will get very rank very quikly if they've died. Otherwise leave them alone if there alive give them what ever time they need to adjust.
And I'm with Sammy keep an eye on that star.