Adding 3 fish any issues?

crypt keeper

Active Member
My qt is in cycle mode. Once done baby CT then few weeks later smallish white cheek tang then maybe a 4 inch blond naso.
Emp angel
BiColor angel
B/W Clown pair
Kole Tang
Humu Humu all fish under 4"


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
My qt is in cycle mode. Once done baby CT then few weeks later smallish white cheek tang then maybe a 4 inch blond naso.
Emp angel
BiColor angel
B/W Clown pair
Kole Tang
Humu Humu all fish under 4"

I question more than one angel...I mean understand the tank is big, but all my books say only one, and nothing about different types


I have a flame angel and a coral beauty in my 225G....Have never seen any conflicts....IDK anything about the ones listed above though

crypt keeper

Active Member
Flower. The BiColor is a dwarf. You can mix large angels and dwarfs 99% of the time. Its mixing large angels with large angels and of the same family. Im more worried about the tangs. Any issues?


No real issues that I can see. Other than in my tank, the naso just doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the agressive fish. They don't bully him too much but he avoids them, mainly the queen angel and clown trigger. If I had to do it over again, I wouldn't have put the naso in this tank. The rest of the fish I have seem to be a good match, it's just the naso that seems out of place.


Maybe it's just mine. He's a pushover, easily the most peaceful fish in the tank. I don't think I've ever seen him be agressive towards anything.


Active Member
My Naso killed my Sargassum Trigger, err made him jump/carpet surf . I attribute that to tank size, only 125gal, then them both being identically sized and shaped. Currently the Naso and my Lei Trigger (considerably larger then the Sarg) are pretty close buds and swim alot of time side by side.
Agreed that Naso genus tangs are probably the most peaceful tangs out there, their catch of course is their size. White Cheek, as in Acanthurus nigricans
, like all Powder tangs, is definitely up there as far as aggression. It's not a Sohal or Clown, but if he doesn't shine to someone, it will be brutually apparent. Though ultimately, I'd be a bit concerned with tank size and the Naso. If you get one in the 3"-4" range, you'll have probably around 2 years before he could use something bigger. My Naso was in my 125gal for a bit over that, and you could tell he was ready for something bigger.
If you are set on the Naso, I'd definitely move him up the addition order list. Other then that, I can't guess an exact timeframe for how long ocellaris clowns and the CT will work together, but I'm sure you aware of that.


I don't know about a white cheek but my naso is the most peaceful fish ever. My foxface is more agressive. It's not that he's small either. He's the 2nd largest fish in the tank.
EDIT: Oh, I didn't know that White Cheeks were in the Powder Tang category. For what it's worth I had a Powder Blue... very agressive fish! But he was best buds with my Naso.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Aqua the Clowns will be moved to the 40 breeder the eel is in once I get the 75 gallon back up and running in very near future.
I had a feeling the White cheek was aggressive as its in that family with the achilles and powder blue. I was worried about the naso and him having a issue. I will eventually have to upgrade for the emp so Im not too worried with the naso size. Two years will be plenty.
Once the white cheek is established are my fish adding days over? Or could maybe a queen angel or another trigger be added? My final plans are for the lagoon. I have been really busy with my house. I started one project that led to a new deck that led to a shed that led to finshing off the basement with the room for a fish area built. I should take pictures.


The reason I ended up selling the Powder Blue is because it tried to kill any new fish I added. Like I added a large same size as the Powder Blue Lunare Wrasse. The PB was relentless for over a month, non stop trying to attack the wrasse. Would never give up, I even put a mirror on the outside of the tank to keep the PB busy. It worked but as soon as I removed the mirror, it was back to trying to kill the wrasse. Then it tried to do the same to a dogface puffer. So I ended up selling the PB.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Hmmmm. Im worried about adding a bigger queen or any other angel that is bigger than my emp because they may fight. Maybe the queen angel comes first and the white cheek is last. I could always put the white cheek in qt for a few weeks maybe it will forget? I may be getting a head of myself here as well. The white cheek is a fish i must have the queen not so much. Maybe the 8 fish will be okay for me.


Personally I wouldn't put an emperor and a queen in a 125, unless they're both introduced when really small and you plan to upgrade your tank as they grow. How big is your emperor now?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Tank is a 150. The Emp is over 4 but not yet 5 inches. The queen would be a juvi. 3 inch range. Dana has a few of them. Im sure it would be okay. My Emp isnt an aggressive fish. He just chills out