Adding a 2nd angel to a 125??

noah's nemo

First off hey everyone,haven't been around here for a while...
I have an established 125 with a koran in it for over a year....
How hard would it be to introduce a sub-adult Annularis??
I would do a complete re-arrange and even remove some LR for more room...
Any thoughts or ideas on this.....

mr. limpid

Active Member
Welcome back
Angels are very territorial they suggest one per tank, but I know that there people who have more than one in there tank. It can be done. I suggest since the Koran has been in there so long removing the Koran to different tank while the new angle is in QT and rearrange the entire tank. Then add them both at the same time back into the DT.
Good Luck

noah's nemo

Thanks for the WB....
That is an option,but my koran would have to go into my 30 gallon angler tank or be QT'ed with the new angel(which i don't want to do)...
You don't think a total re-arrange would be enough to throw the koran off??

mr. limpid

Active Member
you can try, it may work. I suggest adding the new angle in the evning with lights out and rearange the tank just before that.. Be prepared to take him back out, because it will be a fight to the death. Is new angle larger or smaller, larger may help.

noah's nemo

I haven't even got it yet...i was hoping to get some answers from first hand experiences ...i would definitely want a bigger one than the koran...I'm not going to try it if i hear from enough people who know its just not possible.....i just have a hard time believing its not possible with guys like this out there...all i want is one more ,not 8..LOL


Active Member
As far as that video, that's overstocking. They do it with Cichlid tanks fairly often, and you can do it with angels. Something like 3 angels in a tank might not work, but 8 or more will, as the angels have no where to establish territories, they would be constantly chasing other angels, etc. However let's just say opinions on whether or not overstocking is a good idea, can vary greatly.
And if you look at how unhealthy some of those angels look, I think you'll know which I think....
For a Koran and Annularis in a 125gal, I think it would be tough. They both are some of the larger angels out there, and they both, by themselves, would eventually outgrow that 125. The Annularis is one of the more 'multi-angel-tank' friendly angels. The Koran is so-so. Yes, it is a good idea to get the new angel significantly larger, or smaller, then the established angel. I wouldn't remove the Koran, but use eggcrate and divide the tank with them on opposite sides obviously. They will get use to not only the sight of other angel, but the smell as well.
I think as long as you have a backup plan where one of the angels could if they don't pan out, and of course realize that these fish will grow, and that 125gal is only temporary, it's worth a shot. I would also say maybe a 'dither' fish, so not only is the Annularis is the new addition, but there's another new fish as well (as long as you have the room).

noah's nemo

Thanks for your advice Aqua,i know you know what your talking about from when i used to visit here more often...I do have plans for an upgrade but who knows when that will ever be done

I'm going to just hold off and be happy with my current stock point in risking total chaos in my tank for something i can do without.....


Active Member
What's your stocklist like? I think you have 5 fish, the Koran, and I think a Niger?
What about a smaller large angel, a Majestic, or Flagfin or similar?

noah's nemo

I have a purple tang, the koran,clown trigger , humu trigger(both are under 3.5 in.) ,6 line and 2 ocellaris clowns.....
Most recent addition was the PT(4-5 months ago) which the koran tried to bully for a day ,but the PT just gave it right back...they're buds now..
I do like the flagfin,that would add some nice bright color too....
Thanks for your input