Adding a Cleaning Crew


At what point in a cycle can you add a cleaning crew? I finally got my ammonia to spike its around .75. My SG is 1.025 and the Temp is 80. I haven't checked the Nirites in a few days but it was 0.

30-xtra high

Active Member
you add the cleaning crew right after the cycle. when amonia,nitrites,nitrates.. are all 0, ph is around 8.2, salinity at 1.021-1.026. then you can add your clean up crew, and what may i ask is your ceaning crew going to be?


I was thinking for my 30 gallon...
2 Blueleg Hermit Crab (I'm a little reluctant on these due to stories I've heard on the aggresive nature of crabs in general, so I'll do a little more research)
5 to 10 Nasssarius Snail
1 Coral Banded Shrimp or Cleaner Shrimp
5 to 10 Turbo/Astrea Snail
1 Fighting Conch (updated per recommendation)
I am planning on adding a Yellow Head Sleeper Goby a month or so after a Clown fish to help with the sand bed.


no queen conch! can get over a foot long! try a tonga fighting conch they dont get more than 4 inches - but 30 gal still may not be enough for one as they require alot of sand to graze and bury themselves.


hermit crabs - imo they dont bother anyone as long as you have plenty of empty shells for them to pick and choose.


New Member
Still fairly new to saltwater. My 44 gal FO tank with live rock has been established for well over a year. I have a sand substrate with little shells (I guess this is common) and just 3 fish, a clown, yellow tail damsel, and a yellow tail tang.
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Nitrate 10
pH 8.0
Just looking for some recommendations on what type of cleaning crew I should be looking for


The blue legs will usually go after each other if there are no empty shells in the tank. I keep a bunch of them and I also threw about 30 empty shells in the tank of various sizes. Now I do have a large hermit and he will take down any snail he can reach even though he is too large for the shell, I guess they just taste good.


Originally Posted by miamishrip
no queen conch! can get over a foot long! try a tonga fighting conch they dont get more than 4 inches - but 30 gal still may not be enough for one as they require alot of sand to graze and bury themselves.

Wow! Good to know. I'll go with a Fighting Conch then, SWF recommends 1 per 30 gal. I want something that will get deep in the sand bed for a good cleaning


Originally Posted by Gmidd
Wow! Good to know. I'll go with a Fighting Conch then, SWF recommends 1 per 30 gal. I want something that will get deep in the sand bed for a good cleaning

cool - be careful with the stocking advice for what sites recommend per 30 gallons / 20 gallons etc... some might say "at this size, we recommend 1 per 30 gallons" - 'at this size' means the size they are selling them (about 1 inch)


Originally Posted by jvannis
Just looking for some recommendations on what type of cleaning crew I should be looking for
You can go off my list since it seems to not have any 'Nays'. I just based mine off of SWF reef packages. Since I just have FOWLR, there's no way I'd have that many snails and, exspecially, crabs.


when you are ready to add fish - a diamond watchman goby is a GREAT sandsifter ( i am unsure of the tank size requirements, and i believe you can only have one goby in the tank )


Thanks Miamishrip, I'll look into more when I'm closer to adding a second fish... the kids got to have a little 'Nemo' :joy:


Active Member
the Diamond goby isn't a watchman .. it's actually a sleeper goby .. you need at least a fifty five gallon tank because it needs a large enough sand bed to feed off of constantly .. and they will keep your sand white . and you can have more than one per tank if you tank is big enough .. I have a mated pair in my 210 gallon .. Here's mine:


Originally Posted by Jam1e
the Diamond goby isn't a watchman .. it's actually a sleeper goby .. you need at least a fifty five gallon tank because it needs a large enough sand bed to feed off of constantly .. and they will keep your sand white . and you can have more than one per tank if you tank is big enough .. I have a mated pair in my 210 gallon .. Here's mine:

cool jam1e - i have read the diamond as a watchman on some sites and a sleeper on different sites but i def. dont doubt your knowledge so i will assume it is indeed a sleeper from now on
- i have a 125 gallon do you think i could add a shrimp goby with a pistol shrimp??? :thinking:

30-xtra high

Active Member
gmidd. bluelegs/ redlegs are fine if they have shells. i'd definatly go with the coral banded instead of the cleaner, cheaper,cooler looking, does better job cleaning. if you don't want corals, you should get a chocolate chip star. and when adding a second fish get a lawnmower blenny.


Active Member
yeah definetly miamishrip.. you could get em' .. but if you really want to keep your sand white get any of the sleeper gobies .. the shrimp gobies dig through the sand but not as much as the sleepers


Active Member
oh .. well .. you might see some bullying .. the diamond might pick on the other goby .. but you should be able to tell within the first couple days if they'll be alright or not .. if you see any bullying within the first 3 days i would remove one of the gobies .. but if everything's ok then you should be alright .. good luck


No hijack here. Blennies and Gobies are great additions to help keep a tank clean. While I like the Lawnmower Blenny I prefer to go with a Goby for helping with the sandbed. My understanding of the Lawnmower Blenny is that its great for algea, more so for Hair Algea. Since I'm not going to have coral for sometime I was thinking of a small starfish, those long brown arm types?