Adding a refugium


I am not very technical, so should probably buy an "already made system", but I thought I'd atleast try the diy method. So I will try to describe what I have the best that I can and maybe someone can walk me through improving my filtration. I have an 80 reef with massive live rock, live sand, clean up crew, etc. I change 20 percent every 2-3 weeks with R/O water, but going to be switching to ocean water from my lfs soon. My water always tests pristine, but always wanting to improve. I use a drip wet dry system which has bio balls in one part of the box and a protein skimmer immersed inside the other, which in turn goes to a scwd, then to the tank in two seperate return pipes. I am thinking of changing the bioballs for live rock and adding a refugium. Instead of buying a whole new system, I thought about buying a small glass aquarium for the refugium. My thought was to have the water from the wet dry - go into the small aquarium refugium, then go into the tank, or back into the part with the protein skimmer and then into the tank. Would this work? Any suggestions?? Hope this isn't too confusing. Or should I trash this whole idea and buy a fluval or different system?