Adding a refugium


I have a 55gl FOWL that is about a year old. I just purchased a hang on refugium to grow copapods for my 10gl reef tank. Other than some macro algea what should I put in it? I was thinking of a live sand product and if thats the way to go then how fine a grain do I need? Any nitrate reduction would be great.
Thanx in advance for the input.

al mc

Active Member
Personally, if you want it for pod production and nitrate reduction, then I would not add anything but chaeto.


LR is no problem here but miracle mud was my first thought but it comes in too large of amount to be cost effective IMO.
It was my understanding that live sand would support more "bugs", my mother has a nice amount of isopods in her DT wich has 2" of Nature's Ocean Bio-Active Reef Substrate.


looks like most reef mud is a super fine particle size. I have what they call suger sand in my nano and it will not stay put for nothing. think i will go up a grade size.