Adding a refugium


I have a 55g tank and a empty 10g tank I want to turn the 10 into a refugium. What kind of pumps and other stuff will I need?
Please help still new.
I will add pics as I go.


Need additional information. Is the 55 gallon tank drilled? Overflow box? What is it rated? Where will it be located? Is the 10 gallon sectioned off? What do you want in it?
Main thing is to match the overflow rate with the return while considering head loss. I have a Mag 9.5 pump running a 20 gallon long refugium with three chambers. The overflow is a CPR rated at 800 gph. List of items are: Overflow box, drain tube, sand/mud/rock/calerpia, and a return pump with plumbing returning to the tank and a water disperser (whatever they are called).


Well the tank is a 55g all-glass tank from wal-mart....pretty cheap. No holes are drilled. It is located in the wall. I want to grow a colony of pods so I get a Green Mandarin and maybe help with the algea.


you will need an overflow box and a return pump. You will also want to add baffles in the refugium. I recommend going bigger then a 10, maybe a 30 long or a 20 long. I have an overflow box, $30 shipped. Gordon


Active Member
with a 4' tank you can have a 30g under it. under my 3' 65g i have a 20g. it works great! +1 on melevs reef for design ideas.


I have a real cheap setup for a refugium . I have a 120 tank with a 20 galon refugium (old tank was just laying around) I did have it drilled for a return line to my sump. I have a small power head arached to a tube running down into the refugium from dt and the overflow that was drilled takes it into my sump. one problem when electricity goes off it still continues to drain unless you put the power head near the surface so when a little water drains from your dt it stops.