Adding a serpent star to tank in 30 minutes


I am acclimating stuff including a serpent star about 10 inches and a brittle star about 4 inches. I am without a large net. Can I pick these up with my hand? Can they be exposed to air?
Will I get stung or just freaked out?
Any help would be appreciated. I want to keep any bag water out because it smells...well, not good.


i'm not gonna help ya with the accimilating(probably didn't do it right myself) but i can tell ya i have one and it won't sting ya..
You can just pick up the brittle,but be careful he will break
very easily.And for the serpent when i got mine my LFS
told me not to expose it to the air, just be sure that you
keep them feed or they will get their food,in a way that
will not be good for you!


Active Member
Im not trying to say a long acclimation isnt the best but before i knew they should be acclimated i only did it for 30 minutes- those were serpant stars and not linckias which are more sensative, but regardless i have had those stars for over a year now and havent lost one yet- but again ophiura seems to know the works so i wouldnt doubt the 4hr acclimation advice


Active Member
Most brittlestars (which are the same as serpentstars) are somewhat tougher than things like Linckia stars, however, not all...some species, such as the bright red Ophioderma squamosissimum are very very delicate, at least as delicate as Linckia. In general, it is best to acclimate over as long a period as possible, as slowly as possible. Many survive a short acclimation, but some don't. The best chances are longer acclimations. So, as long as possible...preferably a few hours. This is especially true if the salinity of the system is much different than the LFS, as it often is.
There are no differences between brittles/serpents with regard to exposure to air (it is fine, though for as short a period as possible), and tendancy to drop arms when stressed.


Active Member
I found that 2 hours worked well for my brittle. I've had serpent stars hitchhike in on rocks. They went exposed to the air for like an hour or more.