adding a short light fixture????


OK here's the deal, I've been wanted to upgrade my lighting and I found a cheap pc fixture. it is 24inches and has a 96watt bulb and is fan cooled. this is much cheaper than the 36 inch fixture that i was origonaly looking at and in addition to the cost difrencial the 36 inch is not fan cooled. Does anyone think it would be a problem to keep my 36in floresent fixture on the tank and place the smaller 24inch light on top also? will this give me the same effect and will I be able to keep low light corals and anemones? Any help would be awsome. Also to clear things up, I have a 46inch bowfront so I would have room.


Active Member
with pc you can't keep anenomes. Well you can but can't, after a few months they will die due to lack of lighting. THis is what i have been and and seen happen to my self. you can how ever keep some softies with that lighting. How big is your tank? if you gonna get something mit as well get something that you really want.


ive had my anenome under 2 65watt pc bulbs for well over a year without problems. so you can keep with pc ive seen many friends keep aneomes with pc also.


thanks for your opinions, both of you. Is there anyone else who has something to say about this. After all I don't want to kill anything!


Active Member
maybe i had a crappy anenome. What kind of anenome? because i really want one but have a 192watt pc.