adding a shrimp


I was going to add a shrimp to my 80 gal to help it along its cycle. Its suppoese to be uncooked and peeled right? :notsure: or does it matter?


I added 2 frozen raw peeled cocktail shrimp to my 72 bow... I cut off the tail just so I didn't have it in there. I also used 50 # of LR as well. The ammonia took 5 days to shoot up and down. the rest took another 2 weeks.... but that was in the beginning not after it had been goign for a while... you want to be careful about starting a second cycle.


If you have LR/LS in the tank leave the shrimp on the buffet. Any die off on your live rock will start your cycle. There is no good reason to add more ammonia to your tank. If the LR was cured the cycle may be very short depending on the die off. If the LR is uncured there will be plenty off ammonia in the die off without adding shrimp. I used cured live rock and the tank cycled in less then 1 week. :happyfish


Thanks.... I will hold on the shrimp. My LR was cured and only out of water for about 3 hours. My amonia reached .5 yesterday but today it is .25. I do have these white little 'BUGS' on the glass, plus a little white worm looking thing on the glass. Is this a good sign? I am actually going to take a H2O sample to a LFS tomorrow to see what readings they get. Once I get my cameras battery replaced I will take some pics.