adding additional rock


I have a 55 gallon that has been set up for 1 year. It has about 30 lbs of LR. I am buying 70lbs more today from an established tank. I am going to keep the LR in buckets with the rock fully submersed in the water. Can I add all this to my tank tonight, or will it still cause an amonia spike.
If not how much is safe to add at one time, and then how long to wait to add more.
I would really like to do it all at one time so I can do all my aqua scaping at one time.
Hopefully I will get several responces.


i think you should leave it in there for at least a week.
but wait the rock come from a fully established tank. if so as long as you have not taken it out of water for more then a few hrs you should be fine.
Just cheek to see how much die off has occured so far if any and if there are coral and sponges on the rock i wouldn't add it yet because those will die and cause ammonia
Wish u luck


thanks 90reef.
I am taking the rock out of one tank, putting it in buckets with water from the tank, and moving it to my tank. The rock should be out of water no more than 5 minutes.
I'll post b4 and after pictures.