Originally Posted by
alex2089 http:///t/397786/adding-all-of-the-fish-at-once#post_3546845
i want to buy all of my fish from online, but the problem is that I'm worried about getting an ammonia spike. what can i do to safely add all of the fish at once
NOTHING...do NOT add all of your fish at once. Your tank needs time to adjust and cycle every time you add another critter. All critters poop which causes ammonia, and the good bacteria only develops as the need arises, so every time you add a critter you unbalance the cycle (ammonia spike)... if you add too many too fast, you will crash the tank and lose it all...the cheap then will become expensive.
Have a quarantine tank set up, and purchase ONE fish at a time or at the most, two SMALL fish, and by the time you are ready to add them to the display, the tank will be able to handle the new addition. I know online is expensive since you have to pay shipping, but the hobby is just expensive... I just consider the $25.00 fish to cost the extra shipping, making it a $60.00 fish.
You won't save any money if everything you just purchased dies on you.