Adding an internal overflow


New Member
Getting back into the aquarium hobby after ten years and I am looking at getting a used acrylic tank (over 300 gal). The only problem is that the tank I am looking at has only one overflow in one corner of the tank. I would think a tank this large would need at least two overflows. So my question is how hard is it to add another overflow? Are they silicone or glued in place? Thanks


I've done the same thing. I've glued them in place, with the adhesive bought at "Tap Plastic's"
Some people have used plexi for dividers in a glass sump. Rough up the edge/edges of the plexi with sandpaper. Put the dividers in the glass sump and adhere with silicon on both sidesand the bottome of the dividers.
IMO, using adhesive is the best way to go. Much cleaner and nicer.


New Member
Thanks for the reply, thats what I thought but sometimes you need a second opinion to make sure you're not missing something.