Adding another anemone?? Can I mix different types??

Can I add a purple tipped sebae anemone to a tank that already has a Green bubble tipped in it?? Ive read where some corals will sting eachother but was unsure about anemones. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
[ November 09, 2001: Message edited by: New2Saltwater ]

mr . salty

Active Member
I see no problem here.As long as they dont try to kill each other.But I've never heard of anyone having problems like that...


i have 2 carpet 2 pink tips and 3 rock anemones all close to each other in the tank and some even touch even though there is room to be a world apart and ive never had any problems but just to be on the safe side you might want to send that sabae over here to me and ill make sure its alright for you no promises ill ever give it back though
good luck


Active Member
I'v got a whole slew of anemones in my tank. I'v got a seabay, a long tenacle, a bubble and 5 rock anemones. They can sting each other and corals. The same thing applys the other way. Corals can sting anemones and more than likely will. Some are just fine around each other. My bubble and a rock take turns overlapping each other.


Yup I have 3 and all are different, no probs except my pink love to sit on the front glass alot. I might flush him if he doesn't stop. :D