adding another clown

Well I have read that u can add 2 false percs at a time but not at different times. well the wife really wants another 1 cause of what other friends and what she has read how the act together. what would my chances be adding another 1 to the tank. I have a clip in the tank that looks like a clown and when it is in there he will not eat off of it but all he does is hoover by it. so I started just leaving it in there so now that is his buddy. Just thought that I would ask before I went and bought another. Just dont want to comment murder if you know what I mean. Thanks for the help. Mike


Make sure that your LFS has a good return policy before trying. You'll see in seconds if it will work or not...have your net handy :D How long has the clown been established?


How big is the tank? If it's a decent size, you might be able to get away with moving some of the rock around to unnerve the clown a bit. Get a significantly smaller one so it doesn't seem to be as much of a threat.


Active Member
A friend of mine had a clarkii that was the lone fish in his tank for awhile. He tried adding another clarkii, much smaller, and it took about 5 seconds before the existing one grabbed it's tail and dragged it through the tank trying to kill it against the live rock. Quite disturbing actually.
So, the bully went back to the LFS, and the new guy healed and took over the tank! :D
Best bet...get two at the same time...they can get territorial.


Adding two, as suggested by Buzz, would probably be the better way to go. I've added them in groups like that and generally the interest of the established fish is to find a friend. However, once it picks one out, those two may go after the third. Unfortunately clowns are like damsels and you never really know what you are going to get.
I had two together for 13 1/2 years. When one of them died, a group of three were added. The old clown was so happy for the company that it blended right in with them. I've also had groups kill each one off until there were only two left :( .
Thanks all for the replies. I thnk that I will try it and watch them real well. The LF said that if the other 1 will not like it in there she said that she would take it back so I will keep you all updated on the subject. Buzz, frankl15207 not to make you mad but since the lf will take it back I am going to try it. I know some people get mad if you go against their word. but I put every thing into thought. and I will see how things go. If I take the day and watch them I think I will know in the first day. which I dont have a problem watching the tanke all day but the wife does if you all know what I mean.


Just throwing in my two cents........
I had a perc clown and a maroon clown in together for about 3 months everyone was happy until one day the perclown, who was bigger, decided he wanted to be king. He beat up the little maroon clown pretty bad. I thought he was going to be a gonner. I took out the perc clown, he started picking on every one else as well.
The maroon clown healed nicely and is the only clown I have. Good luck in you matching up and keep watch periodically for abrupt behavior.



Originally posted by mr.flameangel
Buzz, frankl15207 not to make you mad but since the lf will take it back I am going to try it. I know some people get mad if you go against their word.

Not at all. Just my experience. Let us know how it works out.