Adding another Feather Duster - Advice Please!


I tried to add a feather duster a few weeks ago, and it jumped out of it's tube after about 1 day and subsequently became food for my cleanup crew... :mad:
See Pics here:
Anyhow, I've ordered another and want to give it another go.
Any advice on acclimation (Temp Float and then Drip I assume), and placement. I have quite a bit of Live Rock (~80 lbs in 46 Gal Bow) and I placed the base of the tube sitting on the sand, but kind of inside a cave (so the feather crown and an inch or two of tube were sticking out). Does this sound like what I should be doing?
Maybe this evening I can post a pic of my tank and someone can point out where I might try to place the new Feather Duster to prevent a repeat
My water quality was good then, and still quite good per my most recent tests. I did a 20% water change over the weekend, so everything should be OK from that standpoint.
Thanks for the Help!


Can you give us exact tank test results?
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Salinity, PH?? Its very important to inverts.


Originally Posted by NudiLove
Can you give us exact tank test results?
Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, Salinity, PH?? Its very important to inverts.
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = ~5ish
Salinity = 1.025
PH = ~8.1
Temp 79F


Active Member
Mine is doing great....just give it LITTLE flow, and stick it somewhere where it will be able to attach, and again, isnt being blasted in a high flow area.


Got the new F.D. on Tuesday... Stuck it in the rock and it hasn't moved so far and it "seems" happy as far as I can tell. I thought my Pep. Shrimp and Emerald Crab were going to pull it into the rock and make dinner out of it (they are onrey little devils), but it hasn't moved too far...
about in the middle of the tank, kind of protected from heavy flow by the LR to the Right...
Here's a look...