adding another tang


I'm thinking of adding another tang to my 240 gallon reef. Tank is 6' long, I already have a 3 inch yellow, a 4 inch hippo and an 8 inch powder brown. I also have a clarkii clown, percula clown, six green chromis. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm leaning towards a Naso but I don't know if he will have enough room longterm. I have about 200 pounds of rock so there will be plenty of free swimming space. Here is a pic of my tank, thank you for looking.


If you are going to add another one, I'd go with the naso. From my experience they are peaceful and absolutly gorgeous. Go with the blonde too! A little bit more expensive but IMO alot better looking. Do not go with a powder blue(if you were thinking about)...the powder brown would probably kill it.
Honestly have a really good mix as it is.


I forgot I have a flame angel and mystery wrasse as well. I would appreciate any more suggestions, or should I skip another tang and add more liverock? What about a sailfin tang, would that work with this mix? Here are some more pics of my tank.



Active Member
Beautiful Powder Brown, and very nice tank...I think Naso or Sailfin would be fine, I also like the Tennant Tang?