Originally Posted by ReefNut
Well here's the thing... one MAJOR thing he left out is testing. Adding kalk mix, strontium or anything else blindly is a bad idea. I do like his slow as you go approach but you HAVE to test your levels and add only what is needed to maintain those levels.
Although I agree our tanks need some additives... keeping it simple is always the best.
how do you go about addin fresh water, do you just dump or drip it? Also when you do you water change, you drain out about 5 gallans, and then replace it with premade saltwater, but how do you go about addin it? I just use the tube i drained with and add the water back. Should i be drippin the new saltwater into the tank as well. I have been reading about saltwer for 8 years and there is so many opionions. I have had my reef set up for well over 18 months. I have never had any problems, and everything seems to be doing well. I dont have to much coralin growin on glass, i was told cause calcium levels where low. My corals dont grow that fast eather. I have seem some peoples tank where the xenia's grow out of control in a month, mine dont really even grow. :notsure: