Adding Clarkiis


I was wondering when I should add my Clarkiis? My tank currently just has a 3 stripe. The domino I bought w/ her died. She had something like cob webs on her prior to death and I think I read on here where that was a sign of some diesease. Anyway how do these fish need to be added (like can I do one at a time or two at once) and are they hardy enough to survive a move in about a month and a half? I'm just movin a block away so they wont be in transition long. Thanks for any advice ya'll give...


Yeah Clowns are hardy i would get rid of your damsel unless you really like him because they are just horrible fish. But you can add two clarkis at once they should be fine how far along is your tank and how big.


I have a 12gal Eclipse w/ and inch of Black Taitian sand and 8ish lbs of LR . Its just at the month mark. I had a quick cycle, the ammonia spike was within the first week and then I had zeros for the longest. I add Cycle once a week and since everything was peachy I added my damsels last mon. since one died I've just had the 3 stripe so I'm kinda attached to her. Do you think I need to add some cleaners too since I'll have three fish in the tank instead of just 1?


Yeah i would get some snails i hate hermit crabs because they always fight for shells just keep an eye on your levels and you should be fine. I like clarkiis they are cool my friend had a pair i setup in a 30 gallon. Good Luck


5 small snails should be good or perhaps even a tad overkill..
as far as the clarkiis I have one in my 29 and its a little as*hole to the others.. bosses around my 3 stripes like crazy.. but its a pretty cool fish and VERY hardy. I'd reccomend one.. but.. in a 12 gallon id say 2 clarkiis and your damsel.. u shouldnt add anything else
and IMO hermits... I like the little blue leg hermits I'd throw 5 in your tank and put 3 snails.. the little "top snails" is what my LFS calls them they are very small w/ a pointy shell.. also get some extra hermit crabs shells a little larger then the ones they are currently in or they will occasiionally murder a snail..
The reason I suggested the "top snails" (sorry I dont know their real name) is because I got Martini snails.. they were like black (I think thats what they were called) and they had a round shells and the hermits murded them as soon as I put them in. But I love my hermits.. they really clean up the sand and LR well.. any extra food, they are all over it!


I actually wasn't planning on adding anymore fish other than them. I'm going to work on what corals I can keep w/ my current lights and then maybe sometime get another tank and raise sea horses in this one


what kind of lighting do you have on your tank?
If you need help or want some suggestions on corals I've had success with I'd be happy to share..

I revised my last post a tad :)


also I was going to mention, I dont know if you have your heart set on the Clarkiis but personally I think a pair of percula's would do better in the tank.. they dont seem to swim around as much as my clarkii does (I have 2 29 gallons and have a clarkii in one and 2 perculas in the other)
Just a suggestion, however im sure either would be fine.
and I also think the nice orange color they are really helps to brighten up the tank, because I dont think the clarkiis are quite as pretty.


lol actually their yellow coloring was what appealed to me... Some what unique and not plain ol Nemo my friends are in love with (all they know about sw fish is from that movie lol). I've got black sand w/ a sprinkling of florescent orange gravel mixed in so I got plenty of orange lol. And if I ever remember to get my Purple Up the rocks I have had a gorgeous hot pink coralline on them. As for lights I've got what came w/ my Eclipse System... any idea what they might be?


as for the Top Snail I think I know what your talking about.. we call them periwinkles in the creeks down here so I just call the sw version that too lol. I wanted some of them to freak my unknowledgeable friends out. They flipped when they saw I have small clams like we also find in creeks... I'm waiting for the day they ask me to add crawdads lol


No, I am not familiar with that system. You should DEF find out what lighting it is before you add corals because it is obviiously very important to have proper lighting, without it your corals will be toast!
So find that out and come back and either I or someone else will be able to help you.
Lift up the lid and look at the lights.. as an example my lighiting is
PC (Power Compact) there is the white light and the purple/blue light
the white one is a 10000K 65 watt and the blue one is a 65 watt actinic
I also have an addtional 18 watt actinic light so I have atotal of 148 watts in my tank
We will need to know the wattage to let you know what corals you can keep :)


Ok.. your going to need to change your lighting if you want to get just about every coral..
I think you could get a sun coral (because they dont need the lighting to live) however I have 0 experience with them.. but wanted to pick one up because I think they are just very nice looking.. This coral is reccomended for advanced SWF people however I think its just because they require a great deal of dedication because they need I believe daily feeding (dont quote me on that, but if not daily its ever week or every couple days) and each "head" has to eat so unless you are going to stay really dedicated I dont think this coral is for you!
Please get a second opinion on all of this before going out and getting it though!


Is this a FW setup you are using for salt water or is it for saltwater?


I can do the dedication thing... (looks around boring dorm room) ain't like I have any place else to be other than class and work. Can they handle the occasional day w/o feeding? thats the most I'm gone


I think it all depends on how much wattage the fixture is capaple of... you dont want to cause a fire or anything.
I am no electrician, not a fire man either haha nor do I know ALL that much about lighitng, I was just wanting to offer suggestions based on what I have and what lighting your tank was.. So you will need to try to find out more about how to upgrade!