adding clowns with clowns?


hello everyone,
i was wondering your first hand expirences on adding more clowns to a tank that has had clowns in it for a month now? i currently have 2 tank breed and raised tomato clown, can i add a diff type of clown to the same tank, say like a clarki or maroon with out problems or possible prolems? how will the 2 dif types treat each other? let me know of first hand accounts not "what u heard" thanks for the help in advance.


Active Member
I think tank size would make a difference. I had a tomato clown in a 125. Added a pair of skunk clowns, and then later added a pair of perculas.
No problems from any of them. The skunks and percs stayed in one area of the tank while the tomato, four times the size of the others patrols the tank.
That's my experience.
By the way, I have a gold stripe maroon in a ten gallon. NOTHING can go in there with him but crabs and snails.