When is a good time to start adding coral to the tank? I need to buy a kit to check the calcium level because I know that's important, but my tank has been cycled for over a week, I have a royal gramma in there right now and will be getting a pair of clowns this weekend and then probably only one more fish two weeks from now. My lighting is only strong enough for corals, so that'll be the only thing left to add to the tank except a serpent star or 2 and 2 more shrimp and maybe eventually an emerald crab. It's a 37g, 24x18x21", 130w PC - 65 10,000k daylight, 65 true actinic. I'm also wondering how many different corals you think would be safe to have in this tank? There are tons of spots in the rock work that I could put corals, but I don't know if there is a limit to how many you should have in a tank. Thanks