Adding corals question....


Our tank is FINALLT stabalized and has been for a few weeks, and we are planning on getting some corals tonite.
The ones my wife and I like and want to add first are the following:
Some kind of Bubble Coral
Pulsing Xenia
Red Chilli
Yellow Leather
My question is this- when you add coral, do you add one at a time? or can we but 4 corals tonite and add them all at once?
Also- what is the best way to acclimate corals?
Thanks in advance...


You can put all the corals in tonight no problem. You acculmate them just as you do a fish just take your time. Float the bag add some of your tank water to bag wait about 15 minutes and repeat. It should take about an hour to acclamate them. How long has your tank been set up?


Tank has been set up since November- but we had a major problem after doing a water change with "Mayer-Brother's" distilled water-- turned out to (among other things) have a VERY high ammonia content. Killed most of them coraline algae and all our fish. Since then, we have been having a MAJOR batlle with this weird brown alge that our LFS could not even identify. We finally got rid of it by removing the rocks, srubbing them in salt water and doing weekly large water changes for 2 months with RO/DI water.
Tank is GOOD now, have some green hair algae, but between our 4 emerald crabs and the Lawnmower blennie, they are making short work of that.
The LR has got about 50% or more of the coraline algae back too.
My Wife told me today, that as a combined anniversary/ b-day gift for us to give each other, that we should put some money into getting some corals and some more LR. (Our 1st anniversary is Saturday, as is my b-day- her bday is 4 days later). She feels that it would be a romantic gift, as we went to the ocean (Clearwater Beach Florida) on our honeymoon- who am i to argue! :)


If you add the leathers just make sure you also add Iodine, Stronthium & Molidium. The corals will live you for it. Sorry to hear that you had all those problems in the past, glad to hear it is a straightend out onw. Good luck and what a fife saying how about getting some corals for the tank do not lose her.


I don't know anything about corals as I'm a newby to this hobby, but I'm no stranger to marriage. I'm on my 10th year (we got married when we were both 18 and a few days before we graduated high school) We're almost 30 mow. I say...
HATS OFF TO YOU!! Congratulations, happy anniversary, and happy B-day!
(I hope my hubby get's into this like you two are- it sure would ease the pain and suffering I seem to be making in his wallet, and yes, it would be much more romantic and benificial for ME. Ha! Ha!)


I acclimate all of my corals and fish the same. Float the bag for about 20 minutes and then add a cup of my water to the bag. I keep adding the water to the bag every 15 min. for a total of two hours. The only corals I have lost were two that a rogue bi-color angel destroyed.
Best of luck and Happy Anniversary/birthday/birthday to you both!!!


I NEVER acclimate corals. ALL of my corals are doing just fine.
P.S. My wife gets me corals for gifts also :p