adding fish and have a quick question


alright this is what i have a 55 gal tank 100#live rock 40 sand
these are the fish i would really love to add
2 false percula clownfish
1 black and white false percula
1 lawnmower blenny
1 mandarin dragonet
10 Nasssarius Snail
5 Turbo/Astrea Snail
all the levels are 0
so i hope for some good news that i might be able to get all of these little guys in my tank what you think?
already have a Brittle Starfish
and a Damsel
had 6 mollys in there(thats what the LFS wanted me to put in there for a week) got 3 of them out of there the hermit crabs ate two and theres still one left to get out
You should be fine, I would put all the fish in at the same time just to make sure no one fish takes over the whole tank.


Active Member
how old is your tank? if it is new, i'd wait on the mandarin for a while. you'll need to build up the pod population a bit first.


Active Member
I strongly disagree with the 2nd post. These fish should be quarantined individually (except for the 2 false percs). Do you have a QT tank setup? You have two different types of clowns. They might not get along. The mandarin, what do you plan on feeding him? Not an easy fish to feed. Do you have pods to feed him? The fish books that I have read state that they have an aquarium suitability of 2 out of 5 because of the feeding issue. I am sure that you will hear from others. Please, if you learn nothing more from these threads, never rely on one mans opinion. There are lots of ways to have a successful tank. Just go with the concensus.


thanks for the reply Mr X and metweezer privatejocker
well the tanks new to me been up and runing for month but the live rock and sand isnt new got it all from a buddie that was moving and coulndt take it with him as for little critters the rocks got em i was going to buy the copepods in the bottle was going to start adding some more if noone thinks thats a bad idea????? let me know, and was going to get a 29 gal tank up and running soon to grow live food copepods , feeder shrimp and any other live food i can get,
as for the two differnt clowns i read alot on them and most of them do say to stay with one kind the LFS has the two differnt kinds in there show tank
they say because they are both false perculas they go together and im new to salt water so i was taking them at there word but i do not want to lose fish because they dont belong together so if you dont think they should go in the same tank then i wont try it


Active Member
i don't know about the percula clowns, but even though the rock is established, i'd give it some time before adding the mandarin. did i read correctly, that you had 100 pounds of live rock in the 55?
the bottled copepods are not necessary. neither is the copepod tank, unless you had it plumbed into the main tank. you see, chances are you will barely be able to see the living creatures that mandarins eat. it's not something you can easily scoop up with a net like brine shrimp.


The lawnmower blennywould get along with all of those fish. Your clean up crew is fine as well. The mandarin is iffy due to the feeding. I wanted one when I first got my tank, but read/heard that they can starve in even well established tanks because all they eat are copepods. I think if you are constantly adding new copepods as well as letting them breed in the other tank you should be fine. Do a bit more research on them and see if you would be able to keep up with the feedings. The clowns are all part of the damselfish family and there might be some agressiveness and territoriality issues. If you added them, that would be four fish from the same family. If you want to try it, go ahead because I've seen some people with clowns that got along, BUT be prepared to remove a fish or two if there are too many issues with them.


yeah 100 lbs of live rock and yeah theres alot of life on the rocks even a few feather dusters (real small ones )
Originally Posted by metweezer
I strongly disagree with the 2nd post. These fish should be quarantined individually (except for the 2 false percs). Do you have a QT tank setup? You have two different types of clowns. They might not get along. The mandarin, what do you plan on feeding him? Not an easy fish to feed. Do you have pods to feed him? The fish books that I have read state that they have an aquarium suitability of 2 out of 5 because of the feeding issue. I am sure that you will hear from others. Please, if you learn nothing more from these threads, never rely on one mans opinion. There are lots of ways to have a successful tank. Just go with the concensus.
Just assumed that the tank was old enough. This is not in the newbie section. I've seen multiple clowns in one tank with no problem. It just like when people on hear post that you can't keep more than one tang in tank. I have two and I know people that have kept four in one tank.