adding fish and shrimp


New Member
ok after I have the water in my tank how long until I can add some life to it it will be a fish tank only and I know that I have to let the tank run for about a month but can I add cleaner shrimp and stuff like that or do I have to wait until I add the fish also when I add the fish do I have to add like 1 every week or can I do like 5 at once
thank you for all the help it is good to see people are willing to help me with my new venture into this great hobby


It is always better to add "little'" at a time. with a fish only tank you dont have to worry about light....until you grow too much algae in the tank, which can be taken care of by alagae eaters. It is better to plan what type of tank you want before you start throwing "hobby" fish in wantonly. What kind of tank would you like, friend?


New Member
I would like to have a fish only tank for right now so I can learn the basic I have heard that live rock and reef are more of a exp person than a newbie the kind of fish I would like is some clown fish maybe a star fish a blue tang looking for beginner fish that are well with each other I have everything right now ready to go just waiting to put some extra support under my house just in case I would hate to come home one day and find 55 gal of water in my living floor you know:eek:


Not at all! Live rock is simple as anything, it requires no maintanence and I could go on for days about the benefits, seriously look into doing live rock, I have lots in my tank and its great, your fish will appreciate it too.


New Member
ok but how much is live rock
do I just put it in the tank and watch what happens can I put the live rock in there during the cycle period
will it harm some type of fish or is it fine for all


What you'd really hate is what you payed for the rock!
Slow is good, do research. I'll probably never buy a damsel again, hardy fish though. I'd say there are better combinations of fish for a tank.


definatly get some liverock, it is a little pricey but its a must have, as far as corals being for exp. people, there are plenty of easy to take care of corals you can get. to tell you the truth i just started a reef tank about 8 months or so ago and i have alot of nice corals and ive gone through alot of nice fish. so in my opinion corals are easier to keep then fish, just go slow and read alot and then read some more.......goodluck