Adding fish any suggestions

salt newbee

Hi everyone,
I have a 75gal tank that has been running for over 2 years now.
I have two False Percs and one Royal Gramma these are the original fish that I added after my tank cycled. It is now time to add some more, but I want to be careful and do my research before I add anything.
My son wants a Pearly Jawfish and I do have PVC under the live rock so it won't get crushed.
I may also add one more small False Perc.
I am considering damsels, but I have heard many horror stories.
I would like some more color in the tank, but I still want to keep it simple (ie, pellet food only and peaceful).
Please give me some suggestions. I am looking to add at the MAX 4 new fish.


Active Member
I like the 6-line wrasse... mine eats flake.. maybe pellet (although I feed pellet on occasion but don't watch him) brine shrimp, and mysis. Lots of personality, doesn't bother anything and cool to watch their eyes.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Dont add another clown. Asking for issuse. Two pair up one will be left out.
Clowns are damsels and can be just as aggressive and or territorial than the other damsels.
Look into fairy wrasses. Stay smaller. Have amazing color. Also check out pygmy angels. Like a coral beauty or my favorite the flame angel.
Midas blenny and or bi color are great fish as well.


I can't believe you waited 2 years before adding more fish....Talk about patience...
Do you have any corals??? Flame angels are very colorful..

salt newbee

Thanks everyone for your help.
I wanted to wait and make sure I had a stable tank before adding more fish. It just looks so empty with only 3 little fish.
I only have live rock no coral or any thrills.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Make sure you have qt set up. Id hate to have to read that you added new fish and they came in sick and killed your current fish.