adding fish to a 110 gal. reef tank

Hey guys,
well I am still in my planning stages for my 110 gal. tank that will eventually be a reef tank. I am trying to plan every move out before I get the tank, so I can budget money wise and time wise and just take everything nice and slow. Anyways my question was this, I have a list of fish/critters that I would like to eventually see added, and I wanted to get your suggestions on these as tankmates, and also see if I could figure out an adding order, I am in no rush for any of these, just want to do what is best.
Possible Additions
Powder Blue Tang
Juv. Koran Angel
2 Percula Clowns
1 carpet anemone
snowflake eel
Any suggestions would be great
Thanks Sean
'Ever since beggining planning this tank I notice I sleep less at night!'


Hey tableforglasses,
Tangs and Angels are not always the best for reef tanks...I have only seen a few tangs which are reef safe because what they feed on. Koran Angels and Powder Blue Tangs are NOT to the best of my knowledge reef safe. :( The eels are cool should be reef safe but if they are hungry even after your feeding to them they might just go after the other tank mates as a food source (the fish not the corals) just so you know....dont feed the eels by hand, use a feeding stick made from plastic.
You could add the rest..clowns are a great part for a tank they are pretty hardy, manderins are cool fish, Copper banded butterflies are a beautiful fish and are for the most part reef friendly it seems you want large reef safe fish. Stear clear of the parrot family of fishes....They will eat not only your corals but the rock as well.....thats why we have sand!:p
What I think you should do is go to your local college library and look threw any and all info on the fishes you would like to get, or if you live near a aquuarium talk to an aquarist! Either location should give you the info you need!
Good Luck,


New Member
I have a powder blue and a yellow tang -- they get along great in my reef. No coral nibbling as yet. I also have clown (percula) fish and they are great.
I have stayed away from Angel fish because I have read they are not reef safe. But probably depends in the individual and the situation...


I have never had any problems with tangs in reefs. The Angel on the other hand can be a big risk.
The eel will make it nearly impossible to ever keep inverts such as shrimps and crabs. Also, they might just go after your perculas.


Active Member
I would be more worried about a copperbanded butterflyfish than any tang.


Hey All,
The copper banded is great when you get nailed with those little brown anenomies, which usually comes in with florida the live rock. They like those as a food source versus the coral, we only have 1 of them in our live coral exhibit at the aquarium... 2 can be an issue. Most of the fish in the tank are small except for the 2 yellow tangs and the copper banded butterfly. A lot of angels not all but a good number you can buy in the stores can get quite large. We started of with all little fish in our large tank (287,000 gallon tank) most of the fish are close to a foot in size if not larger, plus they are in there because the do have a tendency to chew on the live corals which we dont have in the big tank (fake ones yes), on the fake corals there are signs of picking and some chew marks on it.
Talk to you later,


Active Member
The tang would be no problem at all....I would stay away from the powder blue however....they are not for the novice aquarist. For the most part they do poorly in captivity. The angel could be a problem, it's hit or miss really...he might eat corals and you might get lucky and have him not eat any. If you do decide to get him, make sure you feed him well with a high quality angel food to keep him away from the coral. the clowns/anemone would be cool as long as you have sufficient lighting for the anemone...I don't remember if you mentioned your lighting in the original post. the eel I would NOT add to a reef tank. They like to dig and get under the rockwork to hide and could end up toppling it all over....also they are messy eaters. If you are dead set on these I would add them in the following order over a span off 4+ months.
1st - clowns/anemone
2nd - eel
3rd - angel
4th - tang
This is simply my opinion, I am by no means an expert.
HTH nonetheless.
books I have read, and I have researched and looked at other things. I also know that books and common information can be decieving. Some people would say it is crazy to keep a blue hippo tang in 55 gal. reef tank, I would say, mine was healthy for well over year until the day I moved and sold him, without a scar on the corals. so what I am interested in right now is success stories. I know what I want, and I want to push the limit, but I don't want to do something impossible/stupid, or something that everyone says from experience just can't happen.
thanks for all of the good info guys
'Ever since beggining planning this tank I notice I sleep less at night!'