Adding Fish


Ok, so I have a 30 gal tank that has been setup for a couple months now and I am looking to introduce my first fish. I only want 2 or 3 really nice looking fish. I am giong to have it set up for more aggressive reef safe fish. I am not going to have any shrimp, so I was thinking of adding a dwarf lionfish, a maroon clown and something else. So my question is what shoudl the third fish be and in what order should I add them?


Um for the lion i think you should get either a fuzy dwarf or a fu man chu and the third fish could maybe be some type of wrasse. Im not to sure about the order


I was planning on a fuzzy dwarf. They are bit hardier then the fu man chu and from what I hear eaiser to get on frozen food. What kind of wrasse is reef safe that would do good with those other two fish?


Active Member

Originally posted by verde_ad
Do you think a lion can eat a six line?

If it will fit in its mouth then it will end up there.


that is sort of what I was thinking. I think I am going to go with a bicolor blenny, Marroon clown (just bought today) and a fuzzy dward lionfish