? adding fish


Hi jcsurfin...sounds like your current set-up is very similar to mine. I would love a Tang, but only have a 55 gal. and would prefer to wait untlil I can get a bigger tank. For now I'm considering Gobies and a Dwarf Angel....opinions? Long term goal is a 55 gal. reef and 100+ FO. - good thing I can dream.....actually, thanks to this site/message board, it's closer that I realized :)


yeah i think we do have a simulat set up. A 55 gal. tank is pretty common I think. I was talking with someone on this board and they say that a Kole Tang might be able to be put in a 55 gal. tank. I guess they do not need as much swimming room. I hope I got the name of the fish right. :D
It is funny I go down to my lfs and I keep asking them if a 55 gal. tank is to small for a Tang. The other day I go the answer well yeah maybe. The today i asked them again and i got the answer no it is not to samll. I just keep on quizing them. It is pretty funny. :D


thanks for the info on a "Kole Tang" I'll look into it because I love Tangs. I know what you mean about some lfs's - I was talking to mine about a huge Powder Blue Tang and she wanted to sell it to me knowing I only had a 55! Oh, well.....I'm still trying to decide on my main fish...."indecision may or may not be my problem"........any parrotheads out there?

aqua blue

Hello Parrothead.
Most of the posts that I have read about Tangs reccomend at least a 4ft. long tank. A 55 would probably be the minimum for a small Tang. Others on this board will be able to give better advice based on actually keeping a Tang in a 55 gal tank.
From one Parrothead to another,
Good Luck & Enjoy:)