Adding fish


right now I have:
2 Percs
2 Green Chromis
1 Neon Goby
I was wondering if a sixline wrasse and a lawnmower blenny is too many fish the guy at the LFS said it would be ok cause they are all small fish.


Active Member
Adult sizes:
Percs - 2 @ 3" = 6"
Chromis - 2 @ 3" = 6"
Neon goby = 2"
Sixline = 3"
LMB = 4"
Approx. 21" of fish in a 37g. That's an inch of fish per 1.7g (approx.) and too many, IMO.
I would decide on one more at the most.


Active Member
I don't think a 37 gallon can support the algae necessary for a lawnmower blenny. Some days I don't think my 135 can the way he attacks nori. They are known to very slowly die of starvation in a tank that can't provide for their aggressive grazing of algae. IMO you already have a fully stocked tank. HTH