Well, I posted a while back that I added peroxide in my outdoor freshwater pond to get O2 in the water. Even with an airstone. Only because when i came home and it had been 90degrees all day, and my Goldfish were upside down in the plants, I didnt think that was so good. Now there is a formula, I dont remember what it is, because I dismantled the pond. I didnt just throw a whole bottle of peroxide in there. I think it was a few onces per 50gallons...or something like that. I also never said to add that to saltwater.
on a similar note... I too bought an battery powered airpump. Then I went out and said to hell with the money, and bought a gas powered generator. I'm hoping I never have to use it, but i'm prepared. In my area, we lost power for one whole day, on a beautiful sunny day. Now that was weird.