adding kalkwasser to water. making sure


ok, i decided to use the drip method (1gallon milk jug, hose extender) to add kalkwasser.
i just wanted to make sure how to do this.
I get a gallon of RO water and I mix the kalkwasser. I wait till white things settle down and re-cyphon out the liquid part to another container. Than I drip the liquid in the tank?

nm reef

Active Member
Vince ...what I do is close to your post.......but I do not transfer to another container
I mix 1/2 teaspoon of kalk in a 1 gal plastic container with ro/di water...........and mix it well(I just put a lid on it and shake).....then I sit it aside to settle for a few hours.........this container has my drip line.....a IV tube removed from a IV bag stuck into the container approx 2 inches from the bottom.....when I'm ready to drip......for my system thats in the evening after lights out.......I hang the container over my refugium and slowly let it drip............I try not to disturb the sediment when I hang it.....and the next day I empty the remaining gunk and start over......normally I drip approx 1 gal every other night...........


IV = intra venous
like the tubing they use when they draw blood. or any type of food safe tubing will work.


so basically i do not need to remove the substance that settles in the bottom? I can just add the mixture right into the water?


Vince get a drinking container from walmart that has a spigget or spout or what every you call it that will allow you to drain off the water. I have seen them any where from 1 gallon up to 5 gallon containers. Mix the kalk in there and let it settle then you can drain off just the clear stuff into another container for use.


this is more complicated that i thought!
how would i remove the film at the top ? seperating the gunk and liquid sounds easy but removing the film sounds hard.


I simply mix the kalk and the water as everyone has directed... yet I use a turkey baster *however it is spelled* and insert it in the middle of the jug and viola... You have a nice dose of kalkwasser. Then i just hang the baster over the sump, and physics does the rest. :)

nm reef

Active Member
@knight is right......thats what I've learned also....I mix it.....let it settle....then slow drip into the tank....the gunk is below the drip tube...........extremely little if any at all gets in my patient my friend and try'll soon be a pro in no time(not saying that I am)......but its really not that these folks.............. ;) :D :cool:


;) Now I have more confidence and feel like I will do just fine. Thank you for all the replies ;)