Adding Kalkwasser

I just made a reef tank from a f/o 115gallon tank. I bought a drip doser for Kalkwasser. My question is: Is a 1 drip per 2 seconds a sufficient flow rate?


Kalkwasser is calcium hydroxide. It's used to help maintain ca and alk levels. You mix the powder with r/o water and wait for it to settle. It ends up leaving you with a liquid calcium hydroxide that you drip at a slow rate. 1 drip per every second or two is fine. You still will need to raise ca and alk levels on occasion when you drip kalk, but overall it does a good job of keeping your levels stable.


one or 2 drips per second is not an issue....what you need to do is constantly test your water untill you work out the bugs. my little 55 is about 3 drips per sec, but i am only mixing 2 tsp. per 3 gallons, and 40 ml. of vinegar...<that's a whole other thing there> My 125 i am dripping a 4 a sec and mixing 4 tsp. per 5 gallon....its all on how you mix it to what it will do. Read threads on here of exactly how to mix it and everything else or you can produce major issues with your reef. Also. if you just started this 115 gal tank, you must make sure that your water is completly stable before you start dripping kalk. Hope this helps and good luck!

bang guy

Try to match your evaopration rate as close as you can. Make sure you test Calcium and Alkalinity levels!