Adding live rock and a protien skimmer please help


Sorry if my questions are boring but i really need some help. I have a 30 gallon FOWLR setup. I have 15 lbs of lr and about 20 of other rock. My tank has already cycled it has been running with fish in it for about 3 weeks now and everything is fine. My levels are all good just had them tested at lfs today. I was wondering if i could add 10 more lbs of lr and do i really need a skimmer i do not have but was wondering if it makes a diffrince. If i do can yall please suggest a good one. Thanks for the help


I would take the 20 lbs of the other rock out of there and add more lr. I think it is like 1 lb of lr for every gallon of water you have. Just don't forget to cure the lr before putting it in the tank with live fish.