Adding live rock and fish.

el bob

I am brand new to the hobby and just have a few basic questions. I recently added 15 pounds of live rock and 2 (). I added this to my 44 gl tank that was set up two days ago. It is currently cycling with live sand and the live rock and the 2 fish. I want to know if I should set up another tank to put fish in to run QC on them before adding them to the population. Should I do this for live rock and corals and invertebrates as well??


It is best to cycle your tank without fish. You can cycle it using live rock and live sand if you wish. Once your tank is cycled I recommend you add fish very slowly and let your tank mature. You should be able to add some inverts at this time as well. Be sure to read up on acclimation procedures before adding anything to your tank. The drip method is the preferred way to go. Give it a few months before you start adding corals.
QT your fish is key. Don't overwhelm the bioload of your system by adding too many fish too quickly. Taking things slowly is the way to go. Good luck.