Adding Live Rock - End of 1st Cycle



Hello -
I am nearing the end of my new tank's first cycle (ammonia 0, nitrites still around 1, pH 8.2). I currently have about 50 lbs of lace rock and 2/3 sand, 1/3 crushed coral bottom.
I have two three-stripe damsels and two yellow-tail damsels in the tank right now that will be going back to the LFS once the tank is done cycling.
I would like to add some live rock to the tank in addition to my lace rock. Now, I realize after researching that I really should have done this when I set the tank up but since I didn’t my question is:
Can I add fully cured live rock to my tank at this point or would it be better to wait until the tank is completely done cycling? I realize that there is potential for another mini-cycle after adding the rock so I am wondering if it's better to do it now.....


New Member
Since you will be returning the fish, I would do that first and then add the cured live rock to the tank. Since the rock is cured you may not experience another cycle. Then, maybe wait a week before adding anything else.


Thanks - do you think I should wait until my current cycle is finsihed (nitrites down to 0) before returning the fish and adding the live rock?


New Member
Since you will be purchasing cured live rock I would suggest waiting until the cycle is over before adding the live rock. Taking the fish back now, however, may not be a bad idea. Now that the cycle is in process they are not really needed anymore, plus the high nitrites is not good for them.