Adding live rock to established tank


I have a cycled 75 gallon tank with 5 crabs, 1 damsel and 3 chromes but made the mistake of only starting with 12 lbs of live rock and 30 base rock! I now want to add more rock. I live 2 hours from a pet store. Am i better off traveling to the pet store and bringing some home in buckets of saltwater or order online and have to go through the hastle of RE-curing live rock? if I bring it home in buckets 2 hours away would I be able to place it directly into my tank after a light scrub? Also was wondering how much of a clean up crew can I add at 1 time? Thanks!


New Member
The fastest way to get more rock in your tank would be to drive to that LFS and pick some up and bring it home. Before i drove all the way there tho i would first call them and make sure they have some pre-cured live rock so that way you can put it directly into your tank or you could order it online and save your self the drive and then cure it for a few weeks in some containers? im in the same boat i have to drive at least an hour to get any where that has a LFS