adding live rock


How do you add cured live rock to your SW tank?
Do you just bring the rock home and set it directly into the aquarium?
Stick it in a small tank for a few weeks to quarantine it, then move it to the aquarium in say a few weeks?


How long has your tank been set up for that you want to add live rock to it? How big is the tank, and how much live rock do you want to add?


The 55 gal tank is dry now. I want to order a min of 50 lbs rock to begin with.
I'm wondering if it's better to set it up, let it run for a week (just water), order the LS and rock, then put it in, or is it better to get uncured rock and cure it in the empty tank, waiting to put the LV sand in once the LR is cured? I want a DSB.
I'm going to have just rock and sand in my tank until I can slowly ammass 100-150 lbs, not to mention figure out the art of maintaining a sw tank. In that time, I'll only be using my standard flourescent buld and one actinic. I'm staying withthat because I'll be getting a 100 gal tank in about a yr from now and don't want to buy the lighting twice, not to mention everything else.
What I don't know, since I won't have the proper lighting to bring out the best growth on my rock, what type is better to ammass over time until I get my bigger tank? I'm thinking base rock and type I and II fiji rock. If I don't use the proper lighting from the beginning, will any corals etc already on the rock ever regrow?
Thanks for letting me know!


New Member
Hey hey Susan welocome to the fun of a SW aquarium.
Firstly with addition of LR Your tank WILL cycle (I'm sure you know but to make sure....
first 2 weeks ammonia will slowly rise and then reduce followed by 2 weeks of nitrate then the tank will be ready for stock. TEST TO MAKE SURE AS TIMES VARY FROM TANK TO TANK)
From then on as a rough guide you can add UPTO 10% MORE LR without major hasstles ie 10Kg of LR you can add 1 KG per 2-3 weeks etc etc
in reality the new rock does cycles but the tank can usually take the change.
If I were you I would hold out for the second rock delivery and get another Fluoro actinic if you dont have one yet. Then you can put some damsels in and start the adventure in earnest.... Yippe yahoo... <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />
PS Most damsels are real tough so once your water has passed the ammonia / nitrate you will do fine..
Other fish / corals will require better lighting and a protein skimmer so corals / rare fish may have to wait......
PPS 4 inches of sand / marble chips etc will ensure your tank has good nitrate removal ability too...
My first tank was a 30 gal; 12.5 Kg LR; No Skimmer; cheap assed carbon filter (water wheel type) and 1 actinic and 1 10000K white flouro and 4 inches of sand. I had 2 yellow tailed damsels, 2 percular clowns an anenome and a queen anthius ( that did die after 14 months) and 2 soft corals !!! but the tank ALWAYS passed the water tests (with 1 x 10% water change per month) so there is hope Susan......