adding live rocks


have a 120 gallon with like 70-80lbs or LR, been running for 4 mos now, with 1 pair of false clown, fire shrimp, hermits and snails, everything goin ok. what do i do if i want to add some more live rocks(cured). do i still have to cure them by myself even if they are already cured from the lfs or just put them in my tank? thanks in advance for the reply


You are ok to add the cured LR from your LFS directly to the tank. Just a reminder that you want to make sure not to place your pieces of LR on top of your sand bed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaingers
You are ok to add the cured LR from your LFS directly to the tank. Just a reminder that you want to make sure not to place your pieces of LR on top of your sand bed.

What? Where is the rock supposed to go?


i am guessing he means to put the rock on the glass? or on a solid surface so when the snails and what not are cleaning the rock doesnt get shifted or squish the snail or shrimp.. just a guess! correct me please if i am wrong!!!!


some people say place all the base rock on the glass so what you have in ur tank that digs into the sand dont get under the the sand the rock sits on and it shifts and falls into the glass of the tank and bust so if the base rock on the glass and what ever dig in the sand dose not mess with the foundation of the rock work

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by jonrn
have a 120 gallon with like 70-80lbs or LR, been running for 4 mos now, with 1 pair of false clown, fire shrimp, hermits and snails, everything goin ok. what do i do if i want to add some more live rocks(cured). do i still have to cure them by myself even if they are already cured from the lfs or just put them in my tank? thanks in advance for the reply
How much l/r are we talking about?
If you are looking at 5-10lbs imo just put is in.
But if you get 25-50lbs imo no you need to cure it,that is I rec you do.
You will have die off but how much???
This is why I recommend you cure the live rock.
In a 120 gal 5-10lbs of l/r will not have a big change to water lvl's,but in a 20/30gal it may.
And if you cure it in a tub or tank you will know it will not have the water out of wack.And you may see if you have good or bad (Hitchhikers) befor you put then in dt...


so i just added 8 lbs of LR today( just 2 pcs) will do water change tom and will monitor parameters. hopefully, things will turn out ok. thank u all for the replies.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by jonrn
so i just added 8 lbs of LR today( just 2 pcs) will do water change tom and will monitor parameters. hopefully, things will turn out ok. thank u all for the replies.
Np 8lbs all good have fun...


Originally Posted by keith burn
Np 8lbs all good have fun...
Yeah, eight lbs should not be a problem with any die off. Your other rock should make up for it. Check your readings. I sure hope that this "cured" rock was not in with any fish. I know my LFS likes to put a few fish in the bin with the fully cured rock. That could be bad if it went straight in. For future reference, always put new rock in a bin with a heater and a power head for three weeks if it was in with fish. You can get a whole lot worse things than an ammonia spike from rock.