adding live sand to crushed coral


ok i have crushed coral in my tank right now. with a little bit of live sand. i hate the crushed coral it gets dirty and dingy looking quickly. i want yo change over to live sand. how should i go about doing it... welll i want to add live sand to 1/4 of my tank (only where it will be seen) and what is the best type or grade of live sand to buy. i want something that i will never need to touch


Active Member
if you put live sand over top of crushed coral it will slowly just work its way to the bottom and you will again have crushed coral only with live sand underneath of it


Active Member
I would say just bite the bullet and change over all the substrate. As chadman said, the sand will filter its way to the bottom of the cc. I had cc too and a few months ago I decided to change it and I haven't regretted it at all. I don't know what size tank you have, but it wasn't that big of a deal to do it for my 55 g.
I put all my LR in a bucket w/my cleanup crew and fish and filled the buckets up w/tank water. Then I got a large yougurt container to use as a scoop, had my roomate hold a garbage bag open and I went to town scooping it out. Then I placed the LR back in w/o any of the other critters and poured the LS in around it. The I put the fish and everything back it and there wasn't any problems.
It was a much simpler operation than most people make it out to be, but maybe that's just because I have a relatively small tank.