Adding Live Sand


I am asking this in the newbie section because I feel this is kind of a basic question.
I've had my tank up for about 3 years or so and over that time with cleanings and pulling out red slime and various unwanted planlife from time to time, my sand has slightly depleted.
Is it safe to just add new live sand to my already established and very well balanced tank? Will it cause a cycle or any other unwanted effect on my system?


Originally Posted by coachKLM
why would you need to add live sand? your sand is already live! rinsed dead sand will do fine.
Not a bad idea. I like the easy way sometimes though. Seems easier to just go to my LFS and grab a bag of live sand.
Would I have any problems if I did that?


You should be able to do that just fine, however, you only want to add about a 1/2 inch per week on the top layer, so you don't burry any infauna or micro infauna too deeply. This will allow the pods and worms to reach the top without being burried alive.


You can get plain sand for about 2.99/5 pounds and it won't hurt your established tank at all. Your taking a chance with the bagged live sand plus it's more expensive. JMO


Active Member
you may have problems with the bacteria in the bag... these bags of "live" sand are more recommended for starting a tank then maintaining one... They are use as a stepping stone to building bacteria. I myself wouldnt do it but then again it's your tank ... the easiest way isnt the best way... if i had no dead sand av. I would rinse the Bagged sand real good before adding to an already established tank.


Originally Posted by coachKLM
you may have problems with the bacteria in the bag... these bags of "live" sand are more recommended for starting a tank then maintaining one... They are use as a stepping stone to building bacteria. I myself wouldnt do it but then again it's your tank ... the easiest way isnt the best way... if i had no dead sand av. I would rinse the Bagged sand real good before adding to an already established tank.

I thought that it might be a risk. (To all newbies, ask before you do things, patience is a virtue in this hobby.)
If I go the plain sand way, what type of sand should I get and what is the propper way to rinse it? Should I also do what Thomas712 says with this method and only add a little at a time?
On a related note, another reason for inquiring about live sand is that I would like to add more micro organisms to the tank. Is there a good method for doing this? I rarely see pods or much sign of life in the sand bed. (I have a ton of pods in my filter though.)


If you use dry sand then place that sand in a bucket, use the water from a water change to mix up your sand and coat it with bacteria for a week or so, stir occationally if you like, this will help coat it and reduce cloudiness when you add it.
make sure the sand is calcium carbonate based and you will be good to go.


Active Member
thomas gives correct advise

adding to much at a time will kill bacteria and such on the bottom causeing ammonia and other spikes. disturbing the sand bed too much at any time will do the same.
calcium carbonate based is "sometimes" determined by using the vinegar test.