Adding Live Sand


I currently have live crushed coral as my sand bed. It's approx. 60 lbs. I want to add about 40 more lbs of the fine grain live sand. Fortuante enough, my LFS owner has given me the use of one of his tanks. He will allow me to keep my fish and inverts.
The question is, when I do add the new sand, should I just put in on top of the existing sand bed, or can I stir it around to mix both types of sand? I would like to mix them. Of course I would turn off all powerheads, pumps, and skimmer to allow things to settle. But biologically, is this ok?
My 55 has been up and running, smoothly, for the past 6 months.
HAPPY REEFING <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Active Member
It is not recommended to add live sand to cc. Here is a link that might help you
<a href="" target="_blank">sand beds</a> Good luck!


ok, well it may not be "crushed coral". when i began my reef tank, i told the LFS that i wanted live sand. what he gave me did not look like sand. at least not that fine in texture. the sand i have is a bit more coarse than that of fine sand. i'd have to say 2 -3x's bigger than playground sand. i have a watchman goby that is able to sift the sand, but not as much as he could if it were finer grains.
gosh i wish i had a digital camera :(
So, can i add any more sand to my existing bed?

ed r

For a DSB, the finer the sand the better. Can you use the coarse sand? Yes, but if you decide later that you want it out, it will be a very big job. Those of us that have recently removed CC are generally very careful not to add large sand particles. Good luck with it.