adding LR to my tank ?


this is my 110 gal tank my questions are.I have 11 pieses of rock in the tank now 4 pieces of lava rock ,4 pieces off the self from lfs,1 fake rock,1 fake piece of coaral,add pieces of LR i got with a crab that has long since died.
1. is LR compatable with lava rock?
2. if so will it seed it or do i need to remove it
3. will the LR seed the othe rock in the tank?
i will be removing at least the black rock on top of the cave i just dont like the look of it.
thanks in advance for any and all advice.



Well-Known Member

I read somewhere that lava rock isn't good...but what I see in the pictures I don't think is lava is some kind of man made rock. However a rock expert I am not.
The black rock??? It doesn't look like slate,which is bad...

It does not look very stable. A rock slide could kill critters or break your tank..I am sure you don't want either one.
Why don't you check out how others on the site have set up the rock and get some ideas on how to do it.
For what it is worth here is a picture of my 90g tank before I added my coral...I made 2 caves and it is very stable. I used Fuji live rocks, and base rock as a ledge for both caves..coralline covers them. I used a huge fake coral to help stablize the ledge on the left side.


your tank looks great. thanks for the concern about the stability of the cave i did thimk about that before i set it up and made sure it would not come down with some effort not to say i wouldnt change my layout if i find something that catches my eye.



what can i add to get some nature colors? right now i only have a 48'' t-5 ho light with 2 lamps in it so to add coral i would need an upgrade to my lighting. not sure how much but i now i would need more light. i think my fish are reef safe damsel, maroon clown, coral beauty, and scorpion.


Originally Posted by bonerac
what can i add to get some nature colors? right now i only have a 48'' t-5 ho light with 2 lamps in it so to add coral i would need an upgrade to my lighting. not sure how much but i now i would need more light. i think my fish are reef safe damsel, maroon clown, coral beauty, and scorpion.
how old is this tank? you should not add live corals to a new set up. i would spend the money on more live rock and i mean real coraline encrusted rock from the ocean. either buy a few choices pieces that are "cured" from a good local LFS or order about 50lbs online. if it has to be shipped that means you have to cure it yourself in a separate container for 3 or 4 weeks ( fresh salt water in a new clean plastic garbage can or tote with a heater and power head for flow is all you need. no light needed)
as for your fish if i were you i 'd get the damsel and scorpion out now if you wanna go reef. the damsel is totally reef safe when it comes to coral but it will get VERY aggressive and territorial and will litterally kill any newcomers. the scorpion im not sure about but i know its a predatory fish so i would trade it in also. the coral beauty is my fave fish but it can nip certain corals. everyone is different and IMO your a long ways away from buying corals so keep him for now. the maroon stays and wait till you provide him a nice big anemone to live in.
get more LR and allow your tank to age. get rid of the damsel and scorpion and add a cleaner shrimp, and a few peppermint shrimp. maybe some snails, crabs, etc. that are reef safe but not too many because your tank looks fairly new.


Active Member
Lava rock = bad, and the black piece looks like it's lava. The reason it's bad is that lava contains heavy metals which will eventually leach into your tank. Heavy metals kill invertebrates, and in sufficient quantity, fish as well.
The orange and white striped piece is suspect as well. I forget what it's called, but it's typically sold for FW aquaria. I'd double check to make sure that one's SW safe because red coloration generally indicates a presence of iron, which is also a heavy metal.


my tank is 4 years old everything was going great for the first 9 months then i deployed to kosovo for 18 monthes. my wife and son unfortunatly were not able to maintain while i was gone during a heat wave in the summertime and all my fish were lost. so when i got back i tried to start over. broke down tank cleaned all rock bioball filter and started over. wasnt sure what i wanted to do with the tank so it ran for months with just a few start up damsels. over the last 6 months ive started to add to it slowly to make surre everything is stable and so far so good.


Originally Posted by bonerac
my tank is 4 years old everything was going great for the first 9 months then i deployed to kosovo for 18 monthes. my wife and son unfortunatly were not able to maintain while i was gone during a heat wave in the summertime and all my fish were lost. so when i got back i tried to start over. broke down tank cleaned all rock bioball filter and started over. wasnt sure what i wanted to do with the tank so it ran for months with just a few start up damsels. over the last 6 months ive started to add to it slowly to make surre everything is stable and so far so good.
"start up damsels" are bad around here. we dont cycle with damsels anymore its kinda a Mike Vick thing, cruel. dont do that anymore! but anyways were here to help and i will. like i said dont even bother with corals right now. add real LR and remove any questionable pieces. lava rock is fine as are dead corals. the striped red piece is questionable but im no expert. if all your livestock died while you were away it could have been anything that rock included. ditch it to be safe, especially if you wanna go reef.


when i get the LR what is the differance between base rock that my lfs has all stacked up in a 55 gal tank with no lights for 3.99 per/lb and what they have in a giant pool all layed out side by side for 6.00 per/lb. wihch is better and which do i need more of


Originally Posted by bonerac
when i get the LR what is the differance between base rock that my lfs has all stacked up in a 55 gal tank with no lights for 3.99 per/lb and what they have in a giant pool all layed out side by side for 6.00 per/lb. wihch is better and which do i need more of
base rock usually are just piece's that are flat or rounded without cool features like caves holes etc. and alot of time its man made. the other stuff is likely carib. or figi rock that has broken off a reef and is likely to have coraline algae, hitchhikers, etc. you could get alittle of both.


Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor
base rock usually are just piece's that are flat or rounded without cool features like caves holes etc. and alot of time its man made. the other stuff is likely carib. or figi rock that has broken off a reef and is likely to have coraline algae, hitchhikers, etc. you could get alittle of both.
Around here base rock is just rock without much growing on it. It may have been allowed to set out dry. But it's limestone rock just the same. Shape's are varied and not too limited. Your comment have me worried, I'd hate to place an order for base only to get boring sizes and shapes.
Wow theres a lot of hating and opinions in this thread... so ill try to break it down opinion free
lava Rock= bad (metals)
That orange striped rock i would say bad probbaly has iron
Not all damsels are agressive... there are agressive and non agressive. Green chromis damsels are the least aggresive. yellow tailed damsels are also not agressive. People seem to think becuase one type of fish in a speicies can be aggresive they all are... This is not the case. Damsels are good to get for reefs, just get non agressive ones. Also a flame angel would look good in that tank. They are primarily reef safe as long as you rubberband some nori to a rock for them.
Cycling a tank with a damsel is not Vick bad. Whoever said that is just ... i dont even know the word... stupid comes to mind, but its too uneducated. Vick starved dogs, forced them to fight for food, and in the end killed them if the fight was called and they lost, or let them die in the fight. Now damsels can take a lot of problems, so can clowns. There was a thread on here that a guy went on vaca for 3months i think, came back the water was down to like a foot in the tank, it was all green, everything was dead but teh damsel. The majority of times damsels wont die from cycling. As long as you have adaquate filtration and do waterchanges then the fish wont notice a difference... People think that they are in constant pain and suffering... but they are not... They are pooping in a tank so that bacteria have something to eat... I dont get the cruel part.
Your tank must be cycled because of the fish you have in now. So why are we worrying about the start up cycle. You get a mini cycle everytime you add new fish, or uncured rock... cause ur raiseing the bio count.
Get LR, its cheap. Go on to CList find someone around you thats selling it. No more tahn 3 bucks. Ask them ?'s about the tank it was in and other things about it. When you feel comfortable go with buckets full of saltwater, pick it up, bring it back, and if it was still in water when you got it... you can put it right in your tank... (might get a small cycle if there was some die off in transport)...
And then wheres this long way from buying coral... i mean that makes no sense... a lot of people put it in brand new tanks... whats your wattage. You can pretty much keep any coral (well most). You just have to put them at different places in the tank. When people first started reefing... there were no MH or T-5 lights, they used outside lights or reg desk lights. Corals and survive in almost anything. But the amount of wattage you have depends on how much A: they grow B: intensity of colors. Your not going to brown out and bleach unless your keeping high intensity light corals with like a 20 watt bulb. What is your wattage on your tank (amount of watts/number of gallons).
Base rock is not man made.. most times its just dead LR that was take out of water. So its not living anymore. Yes i guess it could be man made, but most times its just dead LR.
While were on LR there are many different kinds... Fiji , Tonga, pacific shelf, namoli, marshall, Bali alor, Vanuatu, caribean. Base rock is white, thus dead LR. Fiji is best for Bases, and is cheapest. Then it gets exp becuase it is dead corals. They leave their calcium exioskeletons behind and over numerous years they make hard rocks. I have the Alor, marshall, tonga, and fiji in my tanks. They look great. And the tonga and marshal and alor can get up to 12-13 bucks a pound. DONT BUY IT. Go to CList.. i got maby 150 pounds for 2.50 a pound. You can use epoxy putty to kindof weld the pieces togther. A: dont have to worry about rock slides. B: you can build higher and more cool looking designs.
Base rock is not limestone... you dont want limestone in your tank if i recall... BASE IS DEAD LR, ITS WHITE, and its good if your buying your rock for LFS and online. If your going to get it on CList dont buy base just buy LR.
Coralline algae is the easiest thing to get. i had my tank purpled up in a week. It spreads like crazy. If your rocks dont have any on them (almost impossible) then you can A: wait or B: buy Purple Up which is a great attitive. Dont worry about coralline, you will get it, and them you will hate it and wonder why you wanted it becuase it gets everywhere and you have to constantly scrape it off glass. To speed this up though, if you have it in one place, take a rock and rub it against coralline. The coralline will break off and float through ur tank to another rock.
Some people really need to know what they are talking about and get educated before they help.
Ive been in SW for 3 months. I have 2 tanks. I spent a month reading all the threads i could. Ive heard all the story and fixes. And i learned what to do before i did it.
Keys are water parameters, filtration, and matinence. Once you have those everything else will follow.
Didnt mean to insult anyone i just wanted to tell him what was what.
Dont mean to bust on raptor as there is a lot of exp.. but it seems he is very opinionated, maby he is right, but from what i have seen there are more sides to every story


thanks for all the information keep it comming the the more info one can get the more education one can get and that is why we ask questions. for me personally be as blunt as posabale dont beet around a bush just say it. if im doing something wrong better someone say it. it helps me and my tank in the long run wich is what i want a good looking tank with verry happy fish. i think i will pull out what i think is the bad rock and leave what i think is good. i will repost some pictures and let the addvice keep comming and again i say thank you to all that give your opinons and advice it can only help.


after removing what i think are my bad rocks this is what i have left any thoughts the last photo is what i think is the lava rocks

mmm the black rock is def lava..or man made... and that kindof looks like lava....
personally i would just start over with all LR from clist


I agree with starting with LR. You really cant go wrong with it. Theres really no reason NOT to have it unless you like the whiteness of the non-live. You could always use your rock now as your 'base' rock too.
