Adding LR


Yo people. Hope some of you can help. I have a 125g tank with 90lbs. LR. I want to add to it about another 40lbs. About how much should I add at a time so I don't screw up the tank (ammonia spike, re-cycle, etc.). The tank is currently cycled and I have three fish in there. What do you think?


I'm currently undergoing a similar process. I'm adding 45lbs of pre-cured to a 55g mature tank with 25lbs already in it. Here's what was suggested to me and what I am doing:
1. I got a large tub (plastic from Walmart).
2. Filled it with 1.022 mix and let is stand for a week. With a powerhead and heater (maybe some air).
3. When the LR arrived I put it in the tub and addeded a skimmer. With in a day the amonia spiked huge.
4. I will wait for the tub to amonia cycle. Probably two weeks. Then do a 50% water change in the tub when amonia levels are down.
5. I will wait a few more days to ensure that things are relatively stable. I will wash the rock with the powerhead to get the loose decay floating. Smell the rock and water to ensure that most of the stuff that dies has decayed and skimmed off.
6. Only after things are smelling fresh, then I will slowly add one peice every two to three (more more) days to the tank paying close attention to the amonia levels. I should expect some slight change as the tank balances. I will continue this process until all the rock is added.
I'm about at step 4 in this process. I was told that eventhough the rock is pre-cured, there is still going to be a significant amount of die-off. The rock should not be added directly to an established tank as-is or all at once.
It's a bit much I know but I like my tank. Some may have other methods, but I thought that this was the most reasonable aproach from all the feedback I was given.
Hope this helps!


hope you dont mind me popping a question in a question. But what about bae rock, since it will eventually become live?
Sorry I couldnt help

mr . salty

Active Member
Base rock can be added right to the tank.As long as it is bought DRY,and never been in a tank.As there is nothing living in it to die off and cause any spikes.If you are getting GOOD CURED LIVE ROCK it can also be put directly into the tank.But if you are at all unsure,it is better to go through the curing process described above. I also added my rock in small batches on a biweekly schedual.Never had any problems.The key here is knowing the diference between cured,and uncured rock....


Staff member
Would you go thru any of this 2nd "curing" process when setting up a new tank, or just use the LR, as is, cycle the new setup?


Depends on the rock. If you get it form a LFS then you'll have a change to inspect it before purchase and determine what you'll need to do. If you go mail order, the expect the worse and you won't be disppointed. My two orders of LR were drastically different. They both had good and bad, but the second order took a great deal of curing of being precured. Make sure that you and your vendor understand what "premium LR" means and pay the extra $$$ (my 2 cents). I'm not saying the rock was bad, just diferent and somewhat not what I expected.
LR is great for cycling a new tank. While in the tank, install a mechanical filter and skimmer on the tank. Wash the rock frequently with a powerhead. The mech filter should remove most of the goo in the water (I wouldn't do this if you have a UGF). You may have to replace the filter a few times. BTW your water may get kind of stinky :). When the water have "cycled" do a 50% water change. Wait at least another week checking the water quality (patience is key). If the water is good you're ready to go.